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“U Cup”: The ESP32-based Smart Water Bottle

Shanghai, China
Jan 4, 2019

Leiyue’s smart water bottles are based on ESP32 and combine the human need for hydration with artificial intelligence.

Have you ever thought of buying a water bottle to keep with you at the office or when you’re on the go? Now, with Leiyue’s smart water bottles, not only can you quench your thirst, but you can also get information about the weather, the latest news, your favorite music, audio books and radio stations, restaurant information and even diary reminders. It seems that the concept behind combining artificial intelligence and water bottles has been to provide a solution that merges the basic human need for water with what is purported to be the future of humankind. 

There are three ways to interact with the U Cup: a touch screen, a mobile app and a voice-user interface. There is also a temperature sensor which gives the temperature of the water contained in the bottle but also the weather temperature. Additionally, the ESP32 technology allows the water bottle to get connected to the Internet and function as a voice-controlled device which provides a variety of valuable information or entertainment. 

The U Cup is a USB-rechargeable  product. You can view a demo video about the U Cup here. For the time being, the U Cup is available only to customers based in China.

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