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Latest Version of Kolban's Book on ESP8266
Shanghai, China
Jan 4, 2016
Kolban's Book on ESP8266 is a condensed rewriting of the Espressif's API and documentation available in the public about ESP8266.
A reason to use Espressif's SDK is that there are an enormous amount of documentation and tutorials online about ESP8266. One of these resources is Kolban’s Book on ESP8266, a comprehensive book on the chip by Neil Kolban.
This quality 400 page book condenses Espressif's API and documentations about the ESP8266, and adds on his and others’ experiences with using the chip. His final edition is dated January 2016 and can be downloaded on his website. It has been well received in the open source community.
Neil Kolban is a software designer and developer based in Texas, USA, and “a firm believer in sharing knowledge”. The book is a “collated and polished version” of the notes he made as he studied the ESP8266 chipset.
“Rather than keep them to myself, I offer them to all of us in the ESP8266 community in the hope that they will be of some value. My plan is to continue to update this work as we all learn more and share what we find in the community forums.”
The book was updated on January 1, 2016 and is now 100% complete and free for download. You can also purchase a hard copy from him. Espressif thanks him for his contribution to the ever growing knowledge of the ESP8266 and its uses.
Learn more about Kolban and his book: http://neilkolban.com/tech/esp8266/.
Post your questions or comments to: http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4326.
2025.03.10Recently, some media have reported on a press release initially calling out ESP32 chips for having a “backdoor”. Espressif would like to take this opportunity to clarify this matter for our users and partners.
2025.03.10Espressif has released ESP32-H2 v1.2, bringing significant cryptographic and hardware security improvements.
2025.03.06This milestone makes the ESP32-C6 the first RISC-V-based product to attain this level of security certification, underscoring Espressif’s commitment to delivering robust, secure, and reliable IoT solutions.