Upgrade of ESP32-C2 (ESP8684) Series Product |
PCN20250101 |
2025.01.24 |
2025.03.24 |
2025.04.24 |
Shield Cover Marking Change for ESP32-C6-WROOM-1 Modules |
PCN20241003 |
2024.10.30 |
2024.11.20 |
2024.11.30 |
Upgrade of ESP32-C3FH4X Product |
PCN20240702 |
2024.09.13 |
2024.10.15 |
2024.10.28 |
Upgrade of ESP32-C6 Series Products |
PCN20240701 |
2024.09.13 |
2024.10.06 |
2024.11.06 |
Upgrade ESP32-S2 Series Products Based on ESP32-S2FH4 |
PCN20240602 |
2024.07.02 |
2024.09.02 |
2024.10.02 |
ShieldCoverMarkingChangeforESPModules |
PCN20240301 |
2024.03.28 |
2024.04.15 |
2024.04.30 |
UpgradeESP32-C2 (ESP8684) SeriesProductsfromChipRevisionv1.1toChipRevisionv1.2 |
PCN20231102 |
2024.01.23 |
2024.02.23 |
2024.03.23 |
BOM Change for Several ESP8685-Based Modules |
PCN20240101 |
2024.01.08 |
2024.03.08 |
2024.04.08 |
Shield Cover Marking Change for ESP32-C3-MINI-1 Modules |
PCN20231202 |
2023.12.20 |
2023.12.31 |
2024.01.10 |
Delete Common AT Firmware on ESP32-C3 Series Modules from Manufacture Line |
PCN20231103 |
2023.12.20 |
2024.01.10 |
2024.01.30 |
Upgrade Chip Revision of ESP32-S2 Series Products Based on ESP32-S2FH2 |
PCN20231201 |
2023.12.05 |
2023.12.31 |
2023.12.31 |
Upgrade Chip Revision of ESP32-C6 Series Products |
PCN20231101 |
2023.11.01 |
2023.11.16 |
2023.12.10 |
Shield Cover Marking Change for ESP32-S3 Series Modules |
PCN20230802 |
2023.08.30 |
2023.09.30 |
2023.10.15 |
Upgrade ESP32-C2 (ESP8684) Series from Chip Revision v1.0 to Chip Revision v1.1 |
PCN20230701 |
2023.08.24 |
2023.10.24 |
2023.11.24 |
Upgrade Chip Revision of ESP32-S2 Series Products Based on ESP32-S2 |
PCN20230702 |
2023.07.28 |
2023.09.28 |
2023.11.01 |
Upgrade Chip Revision of ESP32-S2 Series Products Based on ESP32-S2R2 and ESP32-S2FN4R2 |
PCN20230601 |
2023.06.29 |
2023.08.29 |
2023.09.29 |
Espressif Chip Product Packaging Label Format Change |
PCN20230502 |
2023.06.16 |
2023.06.21 |
2023.07.01 |
Remove Hall Sensor from ESP32 Series of Documentation |
PCN20221202 |
2023.01.09 |
2023.01.27 |
2023.01.27 |
BOM Change for ESP32-C3-WROOM-02U |
PCN20221201 |
2022.12.30 |
2023.01.14 |
2023.01.20 |
Remove "antenna diversity" Feature of Bluetooth LE in ESP32-S3, ESP8685, ESP32-C3 Chip Datasheets |
PCN20221203 |
2022.12.23 |
2022.12.29 |
2022.12.29 |
Remove "External power amplifier support" Feature in ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3, ESP8684, ESP8685, ESP32-C3 Chip Datasheets |
PCN20221102 |
2022.12.01 |
2022.12.14 |
2022.12.14 |
Upgrade Chip Revision of ESP32 Series Products |
PCN20220901 |
2022.10.25 |
2022.12.25 |
2023.01.25 |
BOM Change for ESP32-S3-WROOM-2 |
PCN20220802 |
2022.09.30 |
2022.10.14 |
2022.10.30 |
Release ESP32-C3-MINI-1 module Default Common AT firmware V2.4.2.0 |
PCN20220902 |
2022.09.29 |
2022.10.15 |
2022.12.16 |
Upgrade Chip Revision of ESP32-S3 Series Products |
PCN20220602 |
2022.08.11 |
2022.08.20 |
2022.11.11 |
Upgrade Chip Revision of ESP32-C3 Series Products from Chip Revision 3 to Chip Revision 4 |
PCN20220101 |
2022.04.02 |
2022.04.30 |
2022.06.15 |
Upgrade Manufacturer Part Number and Laser Marking of Espressif Module |
PCN-2021-030 |
2021.12.22 |
2022.01.10 |
2022.01.25 |
Shield Cover Marking Change for Espressif Modules |
PCN-2021-028 |
2021.11.18 |
2021.11.30 |
2021.12.15 |
Release ESP32-MINI-1 / ESP32-MINI-1U Module Default Common AT Firmware V2.2.0.0 |
PCN-2021-027 |
2021.10.22 |
2021.11.23 |
2021.12.03 |
Espressif Common AT Firmware is not Flashed to ESP32-S2 & ESP8266 (16MB flash) Series of Modules by Default from the Manufacturing Line |
PCN-2021-026 |
2021.10.22 |
2022.01.05 |
2022.01.22 |
The PCB EPAD Vias are Changed to be Double-sided Plugged for ESP32-WROVER-E/IE |
PCN-2021-025 |
2021.10.22 |
2021.11.25 |
2021.12.25 |
Espressif Chip Product Packing Label Format Change |
PCN-2021-024 |
2021.09.23 |
2021.10.01 |
2021.10.11 |
Change the series resistor specification of the 40MHz crystal for ESP32 (-40°C~105°C) modules |
PCN-2021-023 |
2021.09.10 |
2021.09.24 |
2021.09.24 |
Upgrade ESP32-U4WDH to a Dual-Core Processor Product |
PCN-2021-021 |
2021.09.02 |
2021.12.02 |
2021.12.02 |
Update ESP32 (4MB flash) series modules AT firmware version to V2.1.0.0 |
PCN-2021-010 |
2021.04.12 |
2021.06.12 |
2021.07.12 |
Espressif common AT firmware is not flashed to ESP32 series of modules (8MB/16MB flash) by default from the manufacturing line |
PCN-2021-005 |
2021.04.12 |
2021.04.30 |
2021.05.28 |
Upgrading the label format, updating KCC ID for ESP32-WROOM-32D and filling the thermal pad with solder mask for ESP32-WROOM-32D & ESP32-WROOM-32U |
PCN-2021-009 |
2021.04.10 |
2021.04.25 |
2021.04.25 |
Shield Cover Marking Change for ESP Modules |
PCN-2021-008 |
2021.03.16 |
2021.03.19 |
2021.03.23 |
KCC Certification ID and Identification Changes for ESP32-WROOM-32/32D/32U, ESP32-WROVER-B/IB, ESP32-SOLO-1, and ESP-WROOM-02/02U Modules |
PCN-2020-017 |
2020.11.17 |
2020.11.16 |
2020.12.16 |
Changes of the marking on ESP32-WROVER-E and ESP32-WROVER-IE to add new certification identification |
PCN-2020-016 |
2020.11.06 |
2020.10.28 |
2021.01.28 |
Introduction of AT firmware V2.1.0.0 as the first published AT firmware for ESP32-S2 series Modules and DevKits |
PCN-2020-014 |
2020.09.11 |
2020.09.11 |
2020.12.11 |
Change of module from ESP32-WROVER-B to ESP32-WROVER-E on ESP32-LyraT, ESP32-LyraTD- MSC, and ESP32-LyraT-Mini |
PCN-2020-013 |
2020.08.28 |
2020.08.28 |
2020.11.28 |
Strengthening the ESP8266/ESP32/ESP32-S2 Module Series Tape Reel by Embossing Cross Patterns at the Bottom of each Tray |
PCN-2020-008 |
2020.08.17 |
2020.08.17 |
2020.09.14 |
ESP8266 modules AT bin upgrade to V1.7.3 |
PCN-2020-004 |
2020.04.26 |
2020.04.26 |
2020.07.16 |
ESP8266EX Chip Datasheet Amendments |
PCN-2020-003 |
2020.03.31 |
2020.04.01 |
2020.04.02 |
ESP8285 Series Chip Datasheet Amendments |
PCN-2020-002 |
2020.03.31 |
2020.04.01 |
2020.04.02 |
ESP32-WROVER-B Datasheet Amendments |
PCN-2020-001 |
2020.03.18 |
2020.03.23 |
2020.04.01 |
Adding a QR code to the shielding case of ESP-WROOM-02/ESP32-WROOM-32/ESP32-WROVER |
PCN-03-2019120301 |
2019.12.02 |
2020.12.05 |
2020.02.20 |
ESP32 Series Products Technical Document Change |
PCN-02-20190815 |
2019.11.01 |
2019.11.01 |
2019.11.01 |
ESP8266 Series Chip Product Technical Document Change |
PCN-02-20190716 |
2019.08.01 |
2019.07.16 |
2019.08.01 |
Add a 6-bit Code on Labels of all Modules to Indicates its Operating Temperature and Flash Size (International version) |
PCN-03-2019070102 |
2019.07.12 |
2019.07.12 |
2019.07.15 |
Add a 6-bit Code on Labels of all Modules to Indicates its Operating Temperature and Flash Size (China domestic version) |
PCN-03-2019070101 |
2019.07.12 |
2019.07.12 |
2019.07.15 |
ESP8285 Datasheet Change |
PCN-04-20190625 |
2019.06.25 |
2019.08.25 |
2019.08.28 |
QR Code Information Change for ESP32-WROVER-B Modules |
PCN-03-2019060501 |
2019.06.12 |
2019.06.12 |
2019.06.19 |
Upgrading AT Firmware for ESP32 Modules |
PCN-03-2019011001 |
2019.04.10 |
2019.01.10 |
2019.04.10 |
Packaging Changes to Espressif Modules |
PCN-03-20190215 |
2019.03.08 |
2019.02.15 |
2019.03.08 |
AT Bin Version Upgrade For ESP8266 Modules |
PCN-03-2018112601 |
2019.01.26 |
2018.11.26 |
2019.01.26 |
Updating the Datasheets of the ESP32 Series of Products |
PCN-03-20190121 |
2019.01.21 |
2019.01.21 |
2019.01.21 |
AT Bin Upgrade for ESP32 Series Module |
PCN-03-2018083001 |
2018.11.30 |
2018.08.30 |
2018.11.30 |
Updating the Operating Temperature Information in the ESP32-WROVER Datasheet and Changing the C18 Capacitor |
PCN-03-201800921-1 |
2018.11.06 |
2018.11.06 |
2018.12.06 |
Notice of Customized China Label for All Espressif Modules |
PCN-03-201800921-2 |
2018.10.19 |
2018.10.12 |
2018.10.19 |