Technical Documents

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Espressif Production Testing Guide

This guide mainly describes the production testing schemes available for Espressif Wi-Fi products (Wi-Fi module/Chip Onboard), thus providing reference for the production testing of customer products.

v1.3 2024.01.24
Espressif Module Packaging Information

This document summarizes the packing requirements of Espressif’s module products, including the packing method, packing-material dimensions, standard packing quantity, labels, dry-packing requirements and marking conventions.

v1.4 2024.01.24

This document introduces the hardware specifications of ESP-WROOM-02D and ESP-WROOM-02U.

v2.2 2023.06.14
ESP8266 Hardware Design Guidelines

The ESP8266 Hardware Design Guidelines outlines recommended design practices when developing standalone or add-on systems based on the ESP8266 series of products, including the ESP8266, the ESP-WROOM modules, and ESP-Launcher—the development board.

v2.6 2019.10.01
ESP-WROOM-02D/ESP-WROOM-02U Reference Design

ESP-WROOM-02D and ESP-WROOM-02U module reference design resources, including schematics, PCB layout, gerber files, and BOM lists.  

v1.0 2018.04.24

Product Series

ESP32-S3 Series

ESP32-S2 Series

ESP32-C6 Series

ESP32-C3 Series

ESP32-C2 Series

ESP32-H2 Series

ESP32 Series

ESP8266 Series

ESP8089 Series


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